1 minute read

The reason why we need ‘Go’

Notifier: This series is based on the book Go in Action.

The Go team went to great lengths to solve the problems facing software developers today.1

Key Features

1.Development Speed

Compiling a large application in C or C++ takes more time than getting a cup of coffee. Go offers lightning-quick compiles by using a smart compiler and simplified dependency resolution algorithms. When you build a Go program, the compiler only needs to look at the libraries that you directly include, rather than traversing the dependencies of all the libraries that are included in the entire dependency chain like Java, C, and C++. Consequently, many Go applications compile in under a second. The entire Go source tree compiles in under 20 seconds on modern hardware.


One of the hardest things to do as a programmer is to write an application that effectively uses the available resources of the hardware running it.

3.Go’s type system

Go provides a flexible hierarchy-free type system that enables code reuse with minimal refactoring overhead. It’s still object-oriented development, but without the traditional headaches.

4.Memory Management

Improper memory management causes applications to crash and leak memory, and even crash the operating system. Go has a modern garbage collector that does the hard work for you.

  1. https://www.manning.com/books/go-in-action 

